Middle School
Grades 5-8
Middle School students meet daily for each core subject. These subjects include language arts (both grammar/writing and literature), math, science, history, and Spanish. Our core curriculum is enhanced by several enrichments, including technology, physical education, visual arts, and an inclusive chapel service.
Students arrive at their homerooms at school between 8:00 and 8:15 a.m., and first-period class starts at 8:30. The children have a 20-minute recess following second period. Their next break is after fourth period, where they have a forty-five-minute lunch and club period, from 12:00 to 12:45 p.m. Our eighth and last-period class ends at 3:00 p.m. From 3:00 to 3:05, the children “pack and plan,” getting ready for our 3:05 to 3:20 departure through car line. Some students take advantage of our Extended Day Program until 5:30. (Likewise, some arrive earlier than 8:00 for early morning care).
After-school activities include several sports offerings, including, soccer, mountain biking, and cooking classes. Students also may participate in the Eco Club or Pokemon Club.
As part of school life, students participate in community service. In the past opportunities have included volunteering at the 43rd Street Arts Festival, which raises funds for the homeless. Several children volunteer to help plan our family fun night during our spring Scholastic book fair. Being just a block away from Forest Hill Park affords countless opportunities as well, such as picking up trash, monitoring the bluebird boxes, etc. Finally, students often help with our little school garden.
Also unique to Middle School is participation in our Student Government Association (SGA), through which our spirit days, holiday fundraisers, and Middle School dance are run.