A Strong Foundation
The kindergarten curriculum provides a strong foundation for learning in a stimulating and nurturing environment. In addition to acquiring skills and concepts, students are also encouraged to use critical thinking and problem-solving skills to become inquisitive, independent learners. A traditional curriculum is presented in innovative ways, and instruction taps into students’ various learning styles. The day is well-structured, but there is room within the structure for flexibility and varied approaches to learning.
Hands-on activities and neighborhood outings enrich the students’ active learning. Students in Kindergarten through Grade 3 use Wilson Fundations, a multi-sensory, systematic approach to reading and writing. Similarly, Math Expressions, an inquiry-based, hands-on approach to mathematics, enables students to build a firm foundation in numeracy throughout the Lower and Middle School. In addition to the core curriculum of language arts, math, science, and global studies, Kindergarten students are also involved in Spanish, computer science, outdoor education, makerspace, visual arts, and performing arts.