At GSES, we believe in creating a supportive environment, which serves the needs of the whole student while providing a rigorous educational program. While our curriculum is aligned with the Virginia Standards of Learning, we are not bound to or restricted by state testing. Classes are guided by SOL topics, but student learning is assessed in ways that keep stress and anxiety to a minimum. Our small class sizes allow teachers the flexibility to focus on the material and the students' enjoyment of learning rather than preparing them for a test. Additionally, teachers are able to approach instruction in ways that best meet the needs of their particular class and students.
What we do:
- Instill in students the desire to take responsibility for their own education and success, to think critically, and to problem solve;
- Provide a low student/teacher ratio that encourages multi-age interaction and teamwork;
- Support dynamic and talented teachers who shape the curriculum and encourage all students to perform at their best;
- Use positive reinforcement to encourage student growth;
- Encourage community service and giving to others, particularly through teamwork; and
- Develop student citizens, balancing self-confidence with responsibility and compassion, leadership with cooperation, and intellectual challenge with social acceptance and tolerance.